Wednesday, June 8, 2016

There's this question how to stop bullying people are asking. I won't be able to give you an answer how to stop bullying but I might be able to give you an answer how to reduce bullying. The results depends from how much you're going to take seriously of what I'm going to say to you.

Let's start with the behavior I know everything better than you about your intentions, feelings and other things. I would suggest to forget about such behavior. Trust me! This behavior is a very good beginning for unnecessary arguments and one of the things which can make someone into bully. Not to mention such behavior can be a very good beginning for the end of the friendship.
Unnecessary arguments is what most likely will happen because of this behavior but when it comes to someone becoming as bully because of this behavior then it's complicated. It isn't just this behavior what can make someone into bully. There are other circumstances what makes someone into bully.

Think about how someone feels when you make his bad mood or any other small mistakes look like national disaster of the year and forget everything good she/he did because of these mistakes while you don't do the same to others and this someone has to experience this many years.

If you're going to make everything into excuses someone has told you then don't expect nice behavior in return because this can hurt people a lot. Especially when they have trusted you so much.

I don't have children but I'll ask parents seriously think about this. If you think your child is lazy for some reason then before attacking your child for being lazy I would suggest to check why it's like that because sometimes the reason why your child is lazy can be not just simple laziness but consequences of abuse.

 And if you parents are the ones who are abusing your own child just because it looks like he's lazy and/or because of every mistake/failure your child has made/experienced then I'm sorry but this doesn't always end good. (I think it depends from psychological factors )  It can lead to fact your child becomes bully or does suicide because your child feels like his parents doesn't want him, that he's some kind of a failure who never should've been born and that no matter how hard he will be trying his parents will never going to appreciate it.

Never abuse your child just because your child isn't such genius as his siblings are. It can also lead to things I mentioned above. Just because your child isn't genius like his siblings are doesn't mean your child is a moron and failure.

I would suggest to less moralize your child and better help your child to find his talents and to show your child he can trust you and talk with you about everything. Moralizing will only make things worse and for God's sake don't behave like you know everything better about your child! This is very good way how to annoy your child a lot! There are things you know better than your child because of your life experience but such things as which career is best for your child can only know your child. Better let your child to choose the career your child wants and let him make the mistake with career choice. At least his life road will be fulfilled unlike in the case when parents chooses career for their child.

It's good you wish to help victims of bullying but you should try to see this situation also through the bully's point of view not just through the victim's point of view. Bullying can cause others to become bullies and it's very possible the bully once was a victim of bullying too.

Before you choose the side in some argument I would suggest to find evidence if one of the sides are really as innocent as they try to say to you. Just because they look like innocent people and say they are innocent people it doesn't mean they are innocent. Looks can be deceiving! If you can't find such evidence which would prove their innocence then better step aside and don't involve yourself into this argument. Even if they are your friends that doesn't mean they'll say you truth always. In arguments you should always ask for evidence before you take side no matter if they are or aren't your friends. And if you don't know people who are arguing with each other then better stay away from the argument.

As for believing and not believing. It's fine when you don't believe something. That much can handle everyone but don't start to behave as if thing you don't believe is just excuse or like you know everything better. This won't end good! Trust me!

That would be all for now. I might add something more with time.

If you're going to comment then please keep the comments like this is crap to yourselves....thank you.

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